
One of the best ways to get to know an island is travelling by foot! Pico has a well-structured network of hiking trails for you to discover.

Caminho dos Burros

Descrição: ?Caminho dos Burros? (Donkeys' trail) is a walking trail that crosses the Island of Pico from the North to the South coast. This trail begins at the Central Plateau of Pico and ends at Baía das Canas. Along the trail we can observe several types of vegeta
Localização: Central Plateau
Duração: 3h30
Distância: 7 miles
Número mínimo de participantes: 2
Dificuldade: Medium
Inclui: Transfers, activity insurance, personal accident insurance and guide monitoring.
Responsabilidade do cliente: Ensure that you are in good health conditions for the practice of the activity.
Equipamento: Backpack, waterproof jacket and water.

Vinhas do Pico

Descrição: Walking through the vineyards of Pico you will discover a tracery of corrals that protect the vineyards and perpetuate the tradition of cultivating the vineyard and producing the wine of Pico, it´s breathtaking landscapes classified as World Heritage of Unesco and a material and cultural heritage that we want to Live with you. You can choose between the World Heritage area of Criaç?o velha or Lajido de Santa Luzia and in both you will always find an area of wineries and stills, linked by the "relheiras", traces of the carts that carried the wine barrels to the ramps where the barrels were carried on the boats.
Localização: Madalena
Duração: 3h
Distância: 6,2 miles
Número mínimo de participantes: 2
Dificuldade: Medium
Inclui: Transfers, activity insurance, personal accident insurance and guide monitoring.
Responsabilidade do cliente: Ensure that you are in good health conditions for the practice of the activity.
Equipamento: Backpack, waterproof jacket and water.

Thank you for visiting us


Monte de Cima, nº21 - Candelária
9950-154 Madalena do Pico, Azores

+351 914 234 941
+351 919 599 517



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